Wang Yi urges US to treat China as equal and halt suppression in trade and tech

August 28, 2024 at 11:27AM

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in a meeting with U.S. National Security Adviser Sullivan, emphasized the importance of treating each other as equals for the smooth development of China-US interactions – Chinese state media.

Wang Yi advised the U.S. not to judge China based on the path it has traveled nor to view China through the lens of a hegemonic strong country – state media.

Wang Yi called for the U.S. to cease suppressing China in areas such as trade, commerce, science, and technology, and to stop jeopardizing China’s legitimate interests – state media.

He criticized protectionism under the guise of ‘overcapacity’, stating it would jeopardize global green development and impact world economic growth – state media.

Wang Yi urged the U.S. to adhere to its commitment not to support ‘Taiwan independence’, to stop arming Taiwan, and to support the peaceful ‘reunification’ of China – state media.

He asserted that Taiwan ‘belongs to’ China and that ‘Taiwan independence’ poses the greatest risk to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait – state media.

Wang Yi warned the U.S. against undermining China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity under any pretext, and not to support or condone what he termed the Philippines’ ‘infringing acts’.

He criticized the U.S. for not taking responsibility regarding the Ukraine crisis and for imposing ‘illegal’ unilateral sanctions indiscriminately.

Both sides agreed to hold video calls between the two militaries’ theater leaders at an appropriate time – state media.

China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi, in a meeting with U.S. National Security Adviser Sullivan: Two sides discussed a new round of interaction between the two heads of state in the near future – state media.

This article was written by Arno V Venter at


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