有消息称,特朗普会见了他的竞选捐助者——持有字节跳动15%股份的投资人Jeffrey Yass,他的想法发生了改变。
拜登在今年2月份就入驻TikTok了,但截至现在,粉丝只有36.5万;而6月才开设账号的特朗普,发布的第一条视频就有超过1亿2000万的浏览量,620万点赞,并吸引了580万粉丝关注。根据Puck News报道,自去年11月以来,该平台上支持特朗普帖子的数量是支持拜登的两倍。
Riding the Wave or Hunting for Votes?
“I will never ban TikTok.”
On June 1st, former President Donald Trump launched his TikTok account @realDonaldTrump, declaring in his latest video, “I will never ban TikTok.” In less than 30 seconds, Trump narrated in his characteristic style about the “greatest America” and “the worst President Joe Biden,” while the most crucial message was—“Vote for Trump.”
Trump’s Strategic Move
Trump’s timing in voicing support for TikTok is exceptionally crucial, as TikTok is currently entangled in a tense standoff with the U.S. government and appears to be losing ground. However, since Trump has positioned “never banning TikTok” as a key strategy to attract young voters, TikTok, seemingly at a dead end, still has a significant chance for a comeback.
A Glimmer of Hope in a Desperate Situation
In April this year, President Joe Biden signed a regulation demanding that ByteDance divest TikTok within six months or sell it to a U.S. company, or face a ban in the United States.
In response to the TikTok ban, TikTok issued a stern statement declaring it unconstitutional. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin stated that the U.S. has never found evidence of TikTok threatening national security. This kind of bullying behavior, unable to win through fair competition, will ultimately backfire on the U.S.
This regulation is set to take effect in nine months.
If implemented, TikTok might have to exit the U.S. market. However, fortunately, this regulation requires a nine-month waiting period before coming into effect.
In November this year, the United States will hold its presidential election. If the Republican candidate Trump becomes the President, the TikTok ban could see a revision.
A Complete Turnaround?
Currently, Trump has clearly stated that he will not ban TikTok. Interestingly, he was the first to force ByteDance to sell TikTok to Microsoft.
In 2020, Trump attempted to ban TikTok citing national security concerns, even signing related executive orders. However, China’s introduction of export control measures for technology prevented this proposal from succeeding.
Why has Trump’s stance undergone a 180-degree shift?
Reports suggest that after meeting his campaign donor Jeffrey Yass, who holds a 15% stake in ByteDance, Trump changed his perspective.
Simultaneously, Trump is actively adjusting his campaign strategy—appealing to potential voters.
Data shows that TikTok has over 100 million active users in the U.S., most of whom are young people aged 18 to 29. This demographic previously supported Trump’s opposition, the Democratic Party, or held a politically indifferent attitude of “it has nothing to do with me.”
By turning to the TikTok platform, Trump directly reaches the gathering place of young voters, demonstrating his willingness to connect with and understand the younger generation, and respecting their pursuit of information freedom and internet openness.
Trump’s Tactic: A Proven Success
Evidence suggests that Trump’s choice is paying off.
Biden joined TikTok in February this year, yet has only garnered 365,000 followers so far. In contrast, Trump, who launched his account in June, garnered over 120 million views and 6.2 million likes on his first video, attracting 5.8 million followers. According to Puck News, since last November, the number of pro-Trump posts on the platform has been twice that of pro-Biden posts.
Nevertheless, whether Trump’s dramatic shift is due to recognizing the prevailing trend or simply seeking votes remains to be answered by his actions after taking office.
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