June 19, 2024 at 03:03AM
People’s Bank of China Governor Pan Gongsheng is speaking at the 2024 Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai”
Monetary policy is supportive
Monetary policy will provide financial support for China’s economic recovery
The weakening momentum of the USD’s rise is a benefit to the yuan
Wants to strengthen counter- and cross-cyclical policy adjustment
PBOC aims to maintain stability in policy
Will prevent the exchange rate from over shooting
Will make flexible use of deposit reserves and other measures
It is difficult to
maintain the overall credit growth rate above 10% as in the past
Conditions for PBOC to trade treasury bonds in secondary market to inject base money have
become gradually ripe
At present, it is
particularly important to pay attention to the risks of holding a
large amount of long-term government bonds and maintain a normal
upward sloping yield
Will particularly
focus on long-term treasury bond risk to keep normal upward yield
People’s Bank of China and Ministry of Finance studying implementation of government bond trading
to gradually introduce sovereign bond trading
more to come
From the website:
Lujiazui Forum was created as a high-level global platform for government officials, world financial leaders and outstanding scholars to discuss and foster international financial cooperation and further the financial reform and market opening in China. Named after the financial district of Shanghai, China’s financial capital, the forum also symbolizes Shanghai’s vision of becoming a leading international financial center.
This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.
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