July 22, 2024 at 05:33AM
The report cites three sources familiar with the matter. And it pertains to Nvidia’s “Blackwell” chip series, which was unveiled during March. The chip is due to be mass produced later this year with the sources saying Nvidia will work with Inspur, who is one of the firm’s major distributors in China, on the launch and distribution of the chip. It is currently tentatively named the “B20” chip.
For some context, this should mirror the “B2000” chip within the “Blackwell” series – which is believed to be 30 times faster than the series before it when delivering on tasks such as serving up answers from chatbots.
The move by Nvidia here comes as the US has tightened export controls of cutting-edge semiconductors to China since last year
This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.
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