法国11月最终服务业PMI数据分析:46.9 vs 45.7初值

2024年12月4日 08:50 AM





本篇文章由Justin Low撰写,来源于www.forexlive.com。
December 04, 2024 at 08:50 AM

Recent data shed light on the troubling landscape of France’s service sector, revealing a Composite PMI of 45.9 compared to the previous figure of 49.2. While this revision is an improvement over the preliminary estimate of 44.8, it starkly contrasts with the more favorable conditions witnessed in October, where the PMI stood at 48.1.

Significantly, the French services sector has experienced its sharpest decline in demand over the past year, coupled with a dramatic drop in business confidence, descending to a four-and-a-half year low. “The positive signals from the HCOB PMI for the French service sector observed during the summer, partially attributed to the Olympics, are no longer evident,” the HCOB comments. This decline is further compounded by ongoing political uncertainty, which has hindered growth prospects.

In November, demand fell sharply, presenting a worrying outlook for early 2025. The HCOB PMIs indicate that the contraction in international order intakes is outpacing the reduction in domestic demand, with foreign demand for French services witnessing its steepest decline in four years.

Despite the noted cooling of demand, input prices continue to escalate. Companies are confronted with rising labor costs, which stem from increased employment and salary adjustments. Contributing factors include robust union activities, strong worker protections, and a notable shortage of skilled labor. Although November saw a slight uptick in employment compared to October, the prolonged trend of declining demand could soon lead to layoffs in early 2025.

The downturn in France’s service sector appears to be partially self-inflicted, largely due to the current political climate. Since President Macron announced snap elections in June, the HCOB Future Activity Index has plummeted ten points, marking its lowest level in over four years. This decline underscores the fragility of business sentiment amidst escalating political uncertainty, particularly if Michel Barnier’s minority government were to collapse over ongoing budgetary disputes.

In light of the broader economic climate and the cooling of demand, it is unsurprising that business confidence has reached such lows. Stakeholders and analysts alike will need to keenly monitor these developments to navigate the complexities facing France’s service sector in the months ahead.

This article was authored by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

The post France November final services PMI 46.9 vs 45.7 prelim appeared first on HUBFX | Global Accounts | FX Risk Management.


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