September 16, 2024 at 03:51AM

UBS says gold is its “Most Preferred” in its global asset allocation

WSJ opinion piece argues the Fed should cut by a 50bp, not 25

BoA analysts are not expecting much clarity from the FOMC this week

ICYMI – China quietly slipped out very weak data over the weekend

Reminder – there is no reference rate setting for the yuan today (CNY) – China on holidays

UBS on the data ahead of the FOMC meeting – what could trigger a 50bp interest rate cut

UK house price indicator has its biggest September m/m rise since 2016

New Zealand Services PMI August 2024: 45.5 (prior 45.2)

RBNZ says material monetary policy surprises are relatively rare.

Trump complains “What’s going on?” when his stock trading is halted

Trade ideas thread – Monday, 16 September, insightful charts, technical analysis, ideas

Chinese and Japanese markets are closed today, Monday, September 16, 2024, for holidays

Trading CME equity index futures? Don’t forget the rollover right about now: December 2024

Weekend – Bank of Canada governor raises prospect of faster rate cuts, FT reports

The FBI are treating the shooting incident as an assassination attempt on Trump

Trump on the Sunday shooting, says he is safe and well, will never surrender

Trump shooting (he’s unharmed) – Checking indicative FX rates – 16 September 2024

More on the Trump shooting (Trump is unharmed) – Secret Service returned fire

Gunshots fired “in the vicinity” of Trump – Trump is unharmed

Newsquawk Week Ahead: FOMC, BoJ, BoE, US & UK Retail Sales, UK, Canada & Japan CPI

Weekly Market Outlook (16-20 September)

China August: Retail sales +2.1% y/y (expected +2.5) Industrial production +4.5% y/y (4.8)

was ongoing chatter about the likelihood of a 50bp interest rate cut
from the US Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
on September 18. This weighed on the US dollar during the session
here. EUR, GBP and JPY all rose against the USD, albeit in limited

was limited during the session with China, Japan, and South Korea all
closed for holidays. China will remain closed tomorrow, Tuesday.

summary doesn’t capture a flow of news and data from the weekend
and into the session. The big news was in US politics, where shots
were fired ‘in the vicinity’ of ex-President Trump. It appears
that Trump’s protective Secret Service detail engaged a suspected
shooter, firing shots. Trump was a good distance away and was
completely unharmed, thankfully. The FBI is treating the event as an
attempted assassination attempt on Trump, the second in 60 days.

of note, on Saturday China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
released very poor data for economic activity in August, and for home
prices slumping at a more rapid pace in August than in July (July
stabilisation measures appear to have dissipated). On the economic
data for August (more in the points above):

sales were very disappointing (consumption
remains weak)

output growth was
the slowest
since March
(domestic demand remains weak)

unemployment remained very high, above 17%

is usually the case the weak data brought calls for increased
stimulus. If the pattern of the past couple of years persists any
further stimulus will be piecemeal only, though.

the central bank front, Bank of Canada Governor Macklem was
interviewed by the Financial Times. He raised the prospect of quicker
cuts ahead, citing the labour market pointing towards downside risks.

USD/JPY remained heavy:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at


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