June 27, 2024 at 05:15AM
It’s been a very quiet session on the Asia-Pac side with very little notable news releases or fundamental news.

The biggest focus for markets have been the continued weakness in the JPY which saw the USDJPY trade very close to the 161 level, but has since backed off the highs.

Looking at the price action across major asset classes is worth keeping in mind that messy price action is what we would expect in weeks where we have quarter-end flows in the mix.

When we see the type of flows we have so far this week without any meaningful fundamental catalyst, it means we need to take what we see with a pinch of salt.

Be careful out there.

Risk sentiment pretty mixed as Asia-Pac comes to a close

Goldman likes med-term USD upside ahead of the US election

Crédit Agricole on what a labour victory means for Sterling

Today’s economic calendar

Japan Chief Cabinet Secretary says won’t comment on FX levels

Japan’s Suzuki saying watching FX moves with a high sense of urgency

PBoC injects 100 billion Yuan via 7-day repos

China industrial profits YY 3.4% vs 4.3% prior

PBOC sets USD/ CNY reference rate for today at 7.1270 (vs. estimate at 7.2765)

New Zealand Business Outlook 6.1 vs 11.2 prior

PBOC is expected to set the USD/CNY reference rate at 7.2765

JPY strength picking up a bit during Asia-Pac so far

Japan retail sales YY 3.0% vs 2.0% expected

Scotia thinks the June BoC cut was a policy mistake

Consumer discretionary and comms on sectors in the green today

Commodities had a mixed day overall with platinum soaring while natgas wet the bed

The USD and AUD the leaders while JPY and NZD the laggards

Tesla led the charge for the mag 7 with Google down but close to flat

North Korea says it has successfully conducted important test in missile technology

USDJPY flirting with 161 with intervention watch in overdrive

Fed stress tests says banks reported higher losses than in 2023 tests

This article was written by Arno V Venter at www.forexlive.com.


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