August 20, 2024 at 03:44AM
People’s Bank of China leaves Loan Prime Rates (LPRs) unchanged
China’s benchmark lending rates remained unchanged in August
both 1 year and 5 year LPRs were cut by 10 basis points in July
one-year loan prime rate stayed at 3.35%
the five-year rate was maintained at 3.85%
Last month China’s central bank confirmed several reforms to its interest rate framework, shifting from using the previous LPR precursor to shorter-term seven-day reverse repurchase agreements. Previously, banks were instructed to set their LPR based on the interest rates from the PBOC’s medium-term lending facility.
The moves last month, beginning on July 22:
PBoC announces cut to 7-day reverse repo rate to 1.70% from 1.80%
at the same time the Bank lowered collateral requirements for medium term lending facility loans
On the same day they cut LPRs:
China cuts 1 and 5 year loan prime rates by 10 basis points each
Then they followed up three days later with a surprise, shock, cut to their Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF) rate:
People’s Bank of China reduces 1 year Medium-term Lending Facility (MLF) rate to 2.3%
This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at
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