July 19, 2024 at 03:27AM
China’s Senior Party Official For Policy Research:
Promoting Chinese-style modernisation faces many complex
contradictions and problems, but it is necessary
China’s senior party official for deepening reform:
We have consolidated and developed the advantages of the socialist
system with Chinese characteristics
We will continue to
improve and develop the socialist system
We will inject
strong impetus into economic development
We will continue to
reform the socialist market economy
We will improve the
modern market system and promote market-orientated reform of factors
of production
We will deepen
reform of state-owned enterprises
Will encourage the
development and expansion of private economy
Will build systems
and mechanisms to support comprehensive innovation
Will deepen reform
of the fiscal, taxation and financial systems
Improve the systems
and mechanisms for integrating urban and rural development
Will build a new
system of an open economy at a higher level
The functions of
party and state institutions adapted to the new situation and have
been continuously improved
We will promote
income distribution
Promote the
establishment of the world’s largest education, social security,
medical and healthcare systems
Will win the largest
battle in history against poverty
Will improve the
centralised, unified, efficient and authoritative national security
leadership system
Will continue to
improve the party’s leadership system and improve the supervision of
the party and the state
Will establish and
improve a comprehensive approach to tackling corruption
By 2035 the
country’s governance system and governance capacity will be basically
China’s senior party official for economic affairs:
Should promote state-owned capital and enterprises to become
stronger, better and bigger, enhance their core functions and
On the other hand,
should create a good environment, opportunities for private
Improve the
long-term participation of private enterprises in major national
Should formulate and
promulgate law on promoting private economy
Should greatly
increase total factory productivity
Propose to improve
the financial relationship between the central and local governments
Increase local
independent financial resources and expand local tax sources
Plenty to consider in the above. Its all encouraging but until details emerge, which won’t be until a few months time I suspect, its hard to get too excited. Government authorities, it doesn’t matter which country, tend to paint a rosy picture.
This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.
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