2024年12月04日 01:15 PM
从行业的表现来看,服务业新增就业人数为140,000,低于之前的211,000,而商品生产领域的新增人数则仅为6,000,相较于前期的22,000同样显著下滑。ADP首席经济学家内拉·理查森(Nela Richardson)表示:“虽然这个月整体的就业增长表现尚可,但各行业的表现却显得不均衡。制造业的表现是自春季以来最为疲弱的,金融服务和娱乐及酒店行业也同样面临困难。”
文章由亚当·巴顿(Adam Button)撰写,更多内容请访问ForexLive。
The latest ADP Employment Report, released on December 4, 2024, presents an intriguing snapshot of the U.S. labor market. With an adjusted figure of +184K jobs added—instead of the initial projection of +233K—this month’s data suggests a nuanced landscape of employment trends.
A notable highlight from the report is the annual pay growth among job-stayers, which has increased to 4.8%, up from the previous 4.6%. On the other hand, job-changers have experienced an impressive pay gain of 7.2%, compared to 6.2% in the prior month. This shift indicates a growing trend where employees are being rewarded more significantly when transitioning between roles, reflecting the competitive nature of the current job market.
From an industry perspective, the report reveals a mixed performance across sectors. The services sector added 140K jobs, a drop from the previous count of 211K. Meanwhile, the goods-producing sector saw a mere 6K jobs added, a significant decline from 22K previously reported. According to Nela Richardson, chief economist at ADP, “While overall growth for the month was healthy, industry performance was mixed. Manufacturing was the weakest we’ve seen since spring. Financial services and leisure and hospitality were also soft.” This cautionary note highlights the challenges some industries are currently facing.
In conclusion, while the overall employment growth remains positive, the divergence in sector performance and the contrasting pay growth for job-stayers versus job-changers provide critical insights for labor market observers. The implications of these trends will be integral as businesses and policymakers navigate the evolving economic landscape.
For a comprehensive breakdown and further analysis, you can read the full article written by Adam Button at ForexLive. The original post can also be found at HUBFX | Global Accounts | FX Risk Management.
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