Credit Agricole:特朗普想要弱美元还是强美元?
特朗普的财政扩张计划可能需要一个 stronger 或稳定的美元,以维持融资条件并控制进口通货膨胀。如果美元过于疲软,可能会导致借贷成本上升,这样一来,通货膨胀和融资成本的增加都可能影响经济活力。
根据法国农业信贷银行(Credit Agricole)的预测,特朗普的贸易政策可能会导致美元在未来一段时间内逐渐走弱。尽管投资组合和外国直接投资(FDI)流入美国可能会在一定程度上抵消这种弱势,但这很大程度上取决于以合理成本提供增长溢价的能力。如果外部失衡加剧,或者外国投资者减少储蓄或撤回资金,对美元资产的需求可能会下降。
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本文由 Adam Button 撰写,网址。
本文最初发表于 HUBFX | 全球账户 | 外汇风险管理。
On December 3, 2024, a notable discussion arose surrounding Donald Trump’s recent comments and trade policies, particularly their implications for the value of the U.S. dollar (USD). The contradictions evident in these policies highlight a complex relationship with the USD—teetering between protectionism and the needs of fiscal responsibility.
Key Points:
Protectionist Policies and a Weak USD:
Trump’s embrace of protectionist strategies suggests a potential inclination toward a weaker USD. By reducing reliance on global trade, the demand for the USD could diminish, theoretically enhancing U.S. competitiveness internationally and potentially alleviating trade deficits.
Fiscal Spending and Debt Considerations:
However, Trump’s fiscal expansion efforts could necessitate a stable or strong USD to ensure favorable financing conditions, especially amidst increased spending and borrowing. A weaker USD might exacerbate inflationary pressures and complicate the nation’s borrowing capability by inflating costs.
Inconsistencies in USD Policy Objectives:
These contrasting policy aims introduce a level of uncertainty, as Trump seeks to reduce trade deficits while simultaneously attempting to uphold the USD’s status as a leading reserve currency. This duality sends mixed signals to foreign exchange (FX) investors regarding his actual stance on the USD.
Long-Term USD Outlook:
Analysts at Credit Agricole foresee that, over an extended period, Trump’s trade policies could culminate in a weaker USD. While there may be some offset in this trend through portfolio and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into the U.S., these outcomes hinge on achieving a growth premium that remains cost-effective. A decline in demand for USD assets could emerge should external imbalances widen or if foreign investors decide to cut back on their savings or repatriate funds.
Credit Agricole’s analysis underscores the inherent contradictions within Trump’s policies concerning the USD. Though immediate dynamics present a mixed narrative, the overarching forecast leans toward a potential weakening of the USD due to the anticipated impacts of trade policies on global currency demand.
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This dialogue was drawn from insights provided by Adam Button at
The original article can be found at Credit Agricole: Does Trump want a weak or strong USD?, published by HUBFX | Global Accounts | FX Risk Management.
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