因此,法国政府债券的风险溢价已达到12年来的最高点。然而,欧元对美元汇率以及总体市场似乎并没有把这些负面发展考虑得过于严重。过去一个月,法国CAC 40指数仅下跌1.8%,明显低于DAX指数的3.8%以上的涨幅,尽管如此,市场中并没有显现出恐慌的迹象。
December 03, 2024 at 02:33PM
Financial markets operate on their own timeline, a concept often mentioned but seldom understood in its entirety. Over the past two years, various factors have threatened to instigate a market crash, yet optimism continues to prevail.
This optimism persists today, despite analysts suggesting that the S&P 500 is ‘overbought.’ Similarly, the situation in Europe reflects a cautious but unwavering confidence, as evidenced by the DAX hitting an all-time high once again.
The divergence in market behavior can be attributed to the underlying fundamentals. In Germany, consumer confidence is increasingly undermined by the offshoring of production. The country has lost approximately 20% of its industrial growth potential since 2019, a decline exacerbated by strategic missteps including the closure of nuclear power plants and an over-reliance on export-led growth.
In France, while the economic situation features challenges such as a massive budget deficit, the real issue at play appears to be one of political instability. The French government is currently facing a motion of censure, which may lead to its collapse as early as Wednesday. This looming governmental crisis has caused the risk premium on French government bonds to reach a 12-year high.
Yet, despite these adversities, the EUR/USD currency pair and broader markets remain largely unfazed. The CAC 40 index has only seen a modest decline of 1.8% in the past month—significantly undervalued compared to the DAX’s 3.8% increase. Notably, the absence of panic suggests a continued indifference to these pressing issues.
However, the challenges for the EU do not end there. An impending energy crisis is brewing, exacerbated by US sanctions against Gazprombank, which complicate gas purchases from Russia—one of the bloc’s major suppliers. As anticipated, natural gas futures in Europe have surged, and unless a viable solution emerges by December 20, the escalating prices could pose significant risks to households and businesses alike.
The forecast for a cold winter only adds to these complications, likely increasing gas consumption. In summary, the EU may be facing another perfect storm that could severely impact its economy. Compounding these issues is the ongoing geopolitical uncertainty, coupled with new tariff threats from former President Trump.
Despite the looming challenges, markets seem remarkably indifferent. This pervasive ‘risk-on’ sentiment suggests that if a correction were to occur in the US markets, European counterparts would likely follow suit, but for now, the resilience displayed is noteworthy.
In conclusion, while the financial landscape remains precarious and filled with potential pitfalls, the enduring optimism in the markets may yet prove to be a double-edged sword.
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