S&P e-mini期货开盘小幅变动
今日,S&P e-mini期货开盘小幅上涨1.50点,或0.02%,报6063.25点。昨日,该指数期货以创纪录水平收盘。与此同时,现金S&P和NASDAQ指数同样创下历史新高。
本文由Greg Michalowski撰写,首发于HUBFX | 全球账户 | 外汇风险管理。
标签和分类:FCHFX,Forexlive RSS突发新闻,外汇
As we approach the end of the year, the financial markets are showing some intriguing movements. On December 3, 2024, at 11:06 PM, the S&P e-mini futures opened slightly up by 1.50 points, translating to a marginal increase of 0.02%, landing at 6063.25. This minor uptick comes on the heels of yesterday’s impressive market performance, where the index futures closed at an all-time high.
The momentum is not limited to the e-mini futures alone; both the cash S&P and NASDAQ indices also achieved record closing levels. This consistency across major indices underscores the prevailing bullish sentiment in the market, suggesting optimism among investors as we near year-end.
Market analysts continue to monitor various economic indicators and global events that could potentially influence these trends in the upcoming weeks. The focus remains on economic data releases and policy decisions that could impact market dynamics as we transition into the new year.
For more in-depth insights on the current market conditions, visit www.forexlive.com.
The original article titled S&P e-mini futures open up little changed was published by Greg Michalowski and can be found on HUBFX | Global Accounts | FX Risk Management.
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