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本文由Greg Michalowski撰写,首发于HUBFX | 全球账户 | 外汇风险管理。
As we enter December 2024, the Asian markets are experiencing notable fluctuations influenced by recent political developments. The Nikkei 225 futures opened with a slight gain of 0.15%, while South Korea’s KOSPI faced a significant downturn, opening down 1.97%. This shift comes in the wake of proposed martial law that was ultimately rejected by parliamentary measures, stirring concerns among investors.

In a proactive move, South Korea’s regulatory body has indicated its readiness to deploy a stock market stabilization fund worth KRW 10 trillion. This initiative aims to provide much-needed support to calm the market’s nerves and stabilize the KOSPI’s current trajectory. As of now, the index has experienced a decline of 1.0%, although the intervention measures appear to be having a stabilizing effect on investor sentiment.

Furthermore, political dynamics within South Korea are also contributing to the market’s volatility. Reports suggest that the ruling party is contemplating urging President Yoon to resign from the party, adding to the uncertainty surrounding governmental stability.

For context, the KOSPI is currently trading after a notable dip, contrasting with the Nikkei 225, which concluded the previous day on a stronger note, closing higher by 1.91%. At present, the Nikkei 225 is trading at 39,333.33, with its peak for November recorded at 39,884.01, reflecting a resilient performance in light of broader regional tensions.

These developments illustrate the intricate relationship between political events and market performance in Asia. Investors are keenly watching these unfolding narratives, as further political changes could lead to increased volatility in the near future.


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