这篇文章由Giuseppe Dellamotta撰写,您可以在 www.forexlive.com 上找到更多信息。
来源于HUBFX | 全球账户 | FX风险管理。
On December 4, 2024, new data revealed a concerning trend in Italy’s service sector, as the Services PMI registered at 49.2, falling short of the anticipated 51.2 and down from the previous month’s reading of 52.4. Additionally, the Composite PMI fell to 47.7, marking a noticeable decline from the prior figure of 51.0.
These results indicate that the service sector is experiencing a fresh decline in activity, albeit marginal in nature. Alarmingly, there has been the fastest decline in new business in over two years. While payroll numbers have seen a slight uptick, overall business expectations remain subdued.
Jonas Feldhusen, Junior Economist at Hamburg Commercial Bank, commented on the final PMI data, stating, “Italy is set to end the year with weak growth in the fourth quarter. The Italian Composite HCOB PMI fell into contraction territory in November, with disappointing figures in both manufacturing and services.” The lack of clarity following the US election, coupled with the looming threat of a potential trade war, has led to increased uncertainty, impacting consumption and investment behaviors within the Italian economy.
The November data highlights a concerning trend: the poor performance in the manufacturing sector has now extended its shadow over the service industry, leading to the first observed downturn in activity for 2024. Companies are struggling to secure new business, particularly from international markets, with four consecutive months of setbacks.
On a more positive note, some service sector firms have initiated modest efforts to expand their workforces following a minor downturn in October. However, with a continued decline in outstanding business and a marked drop in new orders, employment levels could face pressures in the months ahead. To navigate this uncertain landscape, service providers may increasingly rely on temporary contracts to maintain flexibility.
Despite these challenges, a cautious optimism for growth still lingers among companies, although overall confidence has waned. Instances of new client acquisitions and encouraging growth forecasts have contributed to this positive sentiment. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that the future outlook index has fallen below its long-term average, indicating a need for caution moving forward.
This analysis was composed by Giuseppe Dellamotta at www.forexlive.com. For a deeper dive into these findings and their implications for Italy’s economic landscape, refer to the original post here. For more insights on financial risk management, continue to follow HUBFX | Global Accounts | FX Risk Management.
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