





On December 4, 2024, at 12:23 PM, the European Central Bank’s (ECB) recent communications have emphasized a clear and cohesive stance as we approach the upcoming meetings. ECB representatives consistently express confidence that the organization will maintain a measured approach to interest rates, favoring gradual cuts rather than dramatic shifts this month.

An important factor influencing the ECB’s decision-making is the latest inflation report, which indicates that the recent uptick in inflation is primarily attributed to base effects — notably, the fading impact of energy prices. Analysts anticipate that new forecasts will reveal a significant decline in inflation figures by the latter half of 2025.

The ECB’s current strategy of proceeding through a meeting-by-meeting evaluation is deemed appropriate given the prevailing economic conditions. This approach resonates particularly in light of external factors such as the United States tariffs and the implications of the European Union’s responses to these tariffs. As noted, the looming potential of a trade war may contribute to increased inflationary pressures within the region.

In a recent discussion, ECB policymaker Vujčić minimized expectations for a contentious debate surrounding the December decision, suggesting that the consensus among policymakers leans towards a straightforward 25 basis points (bps) reduction. Current market evaluations indicate a strong probability of this move, with roughly 93% likelihood assigned to a 25 bps cut.

For an in-depth understanding of Vujčić’s perspective, the full transcript of his comments can be accessed. Engaging with these insights can provide clarity on the ECB’s direction as we move forward.

This analysis is based on observations by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com. For further developments, refer to our original post titled “ECB’s Vujčić: I don’t think December decision will be that difficult”, which was published on HUBFX | Global Accounts | FX Risk Management.


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