2024年12月04日 08:36AM
这篇文章由Justin Low撰写,来源于。
On December 04, 2024, we observed intriguing dynamics in the USD/JPY currency pair. After testing its 100-day moving average on Monday, the pair experienced a notable response in trading yesterday. This movement can be attributed to increased demand for the Japanese yen, following a series of political developments surrounding South Korea’s President Yoon and concerns regarding martial law. As the geopolitical tension subsided, USD/JPY rebounded, with buyers supporting the currency above this critical technical threshold.
As a result, today’s trading session has shown a stronger upward trend, with USD/JPY climbing approximately 0.5% to around 150.39. What sets this bounce apart from the one observed earlier in the week is a potential shift in the near-term bias of the pair. Observations on the daily chart indicate that buyers are firmly maintaining their positions, while the hourly chart suggests increased conviction among market participants.
The recent price action reflects this momentum, as buyers have successfully pushed past the 100-hour moving average, indicating a transition to a more neutral bias in the near term. Currently, prices are situated above this moving average but remain below the 200-hour moving average, suggesting a pivotal phase in trading.
Looking ahead, it is clear that USD/JPY has significant challenges to navigate in the upcoming weeks. The Federal Reserve (Fed) and the Bank of Japan (BOJ) are two major entities influencing market sentiment. Speculation indicates that the Fed is likely to implement a 25 basis point rate cut, while the possibility of a rate hike from the BOJ remains uncertain at this point.
In summary, the recent movements in the USD/JPY pair underscore the intricate interplay of technical indicators and broader economic factors. Keeping a close eye on developments from both the Fed and the BOJ will be crucial in forecasting the pair’s next steps.
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