欧元/美元 unlikely to reach parity in the next three months: Reuters Poll Insights





这篇文章由Greg Michalowski撰写,更多资讯请访问:www.forexlive.com。
On December 4, 2024, a recent Reuters poll comprising 42 analysts sheds light on the future of the EURUSD currency pair, indicating a prevailing consensus that it is unlikely to reach parity in the forthcoming three months. Out of the 42 analysts surveyed, 24 expressed their belief in the stability of the EURUSD, which is supported by the current market data.

The poll forecasts that the EURUSD will trade at approximately 1.05 in three months, down from the previous prediction of 1.10 made in November. Currently, the EURUSD is trading at 1.0505, hovering just above the predicted target level. It is noteworthy that the pair recently hit a low price of 1.04596 this week, while November witnessed an even lower price point at 1.0332.

This cautious outlook reflects the complex dynamics at play in the global economy, which continues to influence currency values. As geopolitical events unfold and economic indicators fluctuate, market participants remain tethered to their strategic assessments, informing their trading decisions amidst uncertainty.

These insights were originally detailed by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com. For further reading on this topic, you may visit the original post titled Reuters Poll: EURUSD unlikely to reach parity over the coming three months (24 of 42), which was featured on HUBFX | Global Accounts | FX Risk Management.


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